Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences (JRAS)
ISSN: 2664-2433
Subject: Public Administration and Business Management
Policy: Double Blind Peer-Reviewed Publication
Medium: Open Access (Electronic only)
Reach: International
Publication Frequency: Semiannual, June 15th and December 15th each year
Publisher: Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences (JRAS), All rights reserved.
Abbreviated Key Title: J. res. adm. sci.
Other Variant Title: JRAS
ISSN Center responsible of the record: CIEPS - ISSN
ISSN Official record: Click Me
About the Journal
Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences (Abbreviated, JRAS, ISSN: 2664-2433) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal, and being international, the journal has a diverse board, authorship and follows clearly written policies and guidelines. The publication is ‘electronic only’, and is freely available to all.
Why the Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences (JRAS)
- Open Access: Provides free and unlimited access to all.
- High visibility: Good Indexing and membership.
- Authors Copyright Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0): The true ownership of the material lies with the author, hence have full control over your own research work.
- In-depth Peer-Review: Provides authors with detailed feedback of their research work, hence can improve their manuscript, considerably.
- Fast Track publication: Following a strict and well-defined double-blind peer review policy allows us to ensure quality and at the same time publish fast, thus all accepted papers are published online, immediately after acceptance.
- Reviewers Recognition: double-blind peer review process is the cornerstone that ensures quality and it is not possible without reviewers, their dedication, and timely review demand recognition, which is provided by best reviewer award, certification, and memberships.
- Online ‘Free’ to publish, JRAS follows a ‘funding model’ hence all expenses are managed by our network of sponsors. It does not have author publication charges (APC), free means free, and forever.
- Scope: Multidisciplinary, integration of cross-disciplinary approach allows a better explanation of the problem at hand.
The name ‘Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences (JRAS)’ has been carefully selected to address the untapped problem being faced in the 21st century, the pace of growth, globalization, diverse & modern social landscape, and technological disruption, has posed a serious question on the research community. No single organization or economy works in isolation, no social interaction takes place in seclusion, understanding this phenomenon requires a multidisciplinary approach to research. In the competition of being the best journal, many choose a specific area or discipline, which fails to address these modern world challenges and creates a gap. Rather than being in the ‘BEST JOURNAL’ race, JRAS prefers addressing this challenge, hence being ‘multidisciplinary’ bringing together a unique blend of business management and public administration researchers filled with an ambition to transform ideas into reality.
JRAS tends to appeal its global readership, by attracting a diverse and ambitious community of researchers, who tend to write, giving pragmatic solutions for the modern-day business & society needs and challenges. This idiosyncratic combination of business management and public administration disciplines will help us achieve excellence and create a knowledge-sharing community.